MIKSETA sa Sound Card i USB Power Dynamics PDMD301 172.600
145,00 KM 105,00 KM
PDM-D301 3-kanalni USB mixer sa sound kartom je unikatan, jer se ove karakteristike ne mogu naći ni na jednom drugom uređaju ove veličine.
1 mono i 1 stereo ulaz sa EQ-um na oba kanala.
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The PDM-D301 3-channel USB mixer with sound card is unique because its features cannot be found in any other device of its size. The mixer contains 1 mono and 1 stereo input channel with both a 2-way equalizer for the high and low controls. Further the mixer has tape inputs assignable to the main mix. The build-in USB sound card provides also the power for the mixer.
Built-in USB sound card
Combined Jack/XLR input with Phantom power
1 Stereo input channel with level control
1 Mono input channel with ultra low noise microphone pre-amplifiers
2-Way Equalizer on both channels